Monday 14 February 2011

Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Our target audience first saw our video as a rough cut and gave us feedback then. We knew that we would receive some negative feedback as the video was not completed to the highest standard and we knew it needed improving. During the showing we asked the audience to write any comments on a piece of paper so that we could evaluate after the showing.

Points needed for improvement

The editing does not match the music in parts of the song
The ending needs to be more dramatic

The parts including the moving picture needs to be emphasized

Therefore we realised that we needed some additional footage so that the music correlates with the editing to make the video professional. An audience member stated that 'we should use effective lighting to convey the feeling on the fast tempo of music'. We decided that we would create a non naturalistic scene and use a strobe light to emphasise the music. The scene also included lip syncing which enforced the conventions of a music video.

Once our video was completed to its full potential we organised a meeting in our media room where we could show our music video on a big screen. We created questionnaires for them to answer and as soon as the video was shown we received loads of feedback from friends and fellow students impressed with our work.

These people were also mainly our target audience as they were mostly our age with similiar interests and definiately a passion for this music genre. Our most popular piece of feedback was how intense the video is showing how the narrative really grabs them to want to watch more.

We also filmed our target audience giving us feedback to questions we asked. We added our song as a backing track. We also used sections of the music video in the evaluation to use as evidence once the comment has been made.

Here is some further feedback that we acheived in an interview format, producing a feedback video:

Click here for our group video on our audience feedback!

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