Wednesday 16 February 2011

Creating The Digi-Pak

Once the images of our artist were taken , the next stage was to choose the photos we wanted and edit in them in the software we chose Abode Photoshop. To create a house style all pictures would be edited in the same format. Stef desaturated the image and adjusted the exposure and brightness levels to create the effect that was suitable for the product. We decided that the album cover would contain a medium close up of the artist, this is an effective form of the promoting as the audience will relate to the image.

This is the image that we decided to use for the
album cover. The front cover image needs to be eye-catching to the audience:

The next stage was simple as Stef had already allocated a specific font for the album name and artist's names that we all agreed on straight away. The font we decided to use for Pieces and Chase & Status was 'Clubland'. As this emphasised the genre of the music that Chase & Status produce. However to show the rap artist Plan B's genre of music we used the font 'Capture it 2'. The use of colour in the font was inspired by existing digipaks.

From research of real media products we noticed that the back cover of the album all shared the same conventions. A list of titles are all displayed on the back cover, barcode, record label logo and copywright details.

Here is our back cover to the Digipak I believe that the simplicity of the image works well as it allows room for the track names.

From research it was difficult to state which conventions each inside of the album contained as each had different. The inside sleeves I found contained: an image of the band, a list of tracks from the album, a plain colour.

However a majority contained detials about the arists record label, copywright, websites and production information.

Here we placed the CD disc cover ontop of the inside panel to see how it would look when placed inside the Digipak

Creating the CD required us to ensure that there was a
clear house style. Therefore we decided to use an image of the artist and display this on the CD. We also included the house style title of the album and name of artists on the CD. Stef finished the cd by using the same effect in which she used in the magazine advertisment by using the background of the image as the CD's background.

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